Friends of St George
This beautiful and historic building was designed as an integral part of the Kemp Town estate. It now needs the wider support of the community to help repair and maintain the fabric of its splendid exterior and gracious interior.
The Friends of St George’s Church have launched a programme of events to attract a local audience.
Our events programme for 2019 and beyond is currently being planned.
Though we are fizzing with ideas, and thinking of new directions - perhaps some afternoon events, occasional outings by coach, as well as continuing our popular lecture and supper evenings - our small committee needs more help if it is to put these plans into action.
How can you help?
Join the committee
Approximately one meeting per event. A sociable occasion with delicious food and drink to sustain us. We plan ahead and decide who does what. Usually held 6-8pm on a weeknight to suit all.
Work on the mailing list and publicity, from home, online, at a time to suit you,
Run the mailing list, keep it up to date and answer queries.
Send mass mail-outs to our subscribers, one mailing per event; take and acknowledge bookings, compile attendance list
Design the posters ready for printing.
Send our publicity to all the websites who display our information.
Join the team on the night
Technical support for the speaker with screen, microphones and projector
For events serving supper from 5pm, we need volunteers: to help move furniture, to lay up tables and the bar, to distribute food. And, at the end, to put everything back to rights. We aim to close up the church by 10 or 11 pm. The more volunteers we have, the quicker and easier this process is.
If you can help in any of these ways, email us on:
Thank you from the committee,
Gordon Chatterton, Sue Clough, Jill Ovenell, Ken Richardson, Sally Richardson, Robin Newing & Maria Neville.